The increasing frequency and intensity of global climate impacts underscore the urgent need for a just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy alternatives

The increasing frequency and intensity of global climate impacts underscore the urgent need for a just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy alternatives.

Africa is home to 17 of the 20 countries most threatened by climate change, facing severe events such as prolonged droughts, heavy rains, deadly floods, heat waves, and tropical cyclones. Recently, East Africa experienced severe rains from March to May, causing significant flooding, fatalities, displacement, and infrastructure damage in Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi.

Arid soils in Mauritania, crops have failed and the region faces a major food crisis. Over 700,000 people are affected in Mauritania and 12 million across West Africa. ESP Tierra árida en Mauritania. Las cosechas han sido deficitarias y la región se encuentra haciendo frente a una grave crisis alimentaria. Más de 700,000 personas están en riesgo en Mauritania y 12 millones en el Sahel. Fr: Sols arides en Mauritanie. Les récoltes n’ont rien donné et la région est confrontée à une crise alimentaire majeure. Plus de 700 000 personnes sont menacées en Mauritanie et 12 millions dans l’ensemble du Sahel.

Despite these alarming trends, there are ongoing plans to expand fossil fuel infrastructure, such as the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), which is expected to have devastating impacts on both people and the planet. However, communities are resisting these harmful projects and promoting sustainable energy initiatives, sparking a renewable energy revolution.

On the 18th of July, predicted to be the world’s hottest day of the year, will launch REPower Afrika – an ambitious new campaign aimed at uniting regional community renewable energy projects to urge financers and governments to prioritize and increase investments in affordable and clean energy.

This campaign targets communities at the forefront of the climate crisis. It will feature symbolic actions in countries where we already lead renewable energy (RE) campaigns with 10 gatherings across Uganda and Tanzania. Actions in solidarity will be led in DRC, Benin and Togo. Our goal is to consolidate all forces and voices campaigning for sustainable energy initiatives, sparking a renewable energy revolution on the continent.